Chan Thomas Adam And Eve

By An Observer
I am adding this section about Chan Thomas and his theory of cataclysms to the mid section of this blog series, not necessarily because I know it to be the truth, but rather because I have a gut feeling that it may be nearer the truth than any of the commonly accepted contemporary 'truths'. As always, in our never-ending evolution, we keep discovering things we had not been previously aware of. Oftentimes, the new 'discovery' debunks a former truth. Truth, being an abstract human idea, continues to evolve as we do. It is not uncommon for it to take several generations for a new truth to be accepted. Whether this particular information is truth or not, we are yet to discover, but in a world of many different ideas, I find this one worth considering.I first heard Chan Thomas speak of cataclysms in 1966 or 1967 on Mike Corbett's talk radio show on KUDL Radio in Kansas City where I was employed. Dr. Thomas was on the air numerous times within a several day period, being interviewed by Mr Corbett, taking questions from the other guests and answering queries called in by the listeners. I was fortunate to be present for his appearances and got to visit with him during off air times. He talked about a new and different way of looking at the workings of the Earth and the effects those workings have had on the history of Earth Life. I had never before read, or heard the story of the rejuvenating Earth as explained herein ( and still to this day here in middle of the first decade of the twenty-first century, I still do not hear it told. It is like an untold science fiction story that no one wants to tell ). [See also Pole Shift Revisited by Len Kasten 1993 ] I knew Dr Thomas had written a book back then which he called The Adam & Eve Story, but I did not manage to get a copy from him and it was not available locally. I have always remembered the incredible things he had to say, and how his explanations answered so many of the questions that I had read and asked about existence. It seemed he had an answer to every question, that he made all of the puzzle pieces fit. He also spoke of ESP, of other-than-Earth Life, of UFO's, and of many other things profound. He was very certain of himself, and a very interesting person to listen to. I was never quite sure about what he had to say, and I still don't know quite what to make of it. Maybe yes, maybe no. But I find it interesting enough to pass on as food for thought..It does take an open mind capable of envisioning uncommon ideas... For instance, Chan Thomas said that if we could suck all the water off the face of the Earth and deposit it on the face of the moon, then the Earth and moon would take on each others former appearance - the Earth barren with just mountains and valleys, and the moon, part oceans and part continents and islands. Water always just fills up the low spots. So places like Easter Island, Hawaii & the Bahama's aren't really islands. They, like all above sea level land masses are just the parts of the Earth that there wasn't enough water to cover up. Interesting thinking, as is Thomas' thinking about cataclysms. I have at times tried to relate to others, from memory alone, the fact of cataclysms, but with only a limited success. Several times over the years, I had bookstores search for his book, but never found anyone who could supply me with one. Amazingly, recently when I did a search on the web, to my surprise, there was the book I had so many times tried to find, listed with a number of used book companies. There were numerous places with several different editons. I immediately ordered the least expensive one on the list and received it within a few days. The First Edition copy I received says Copyright 1993, so I know it must be a revised edition of the original book which I remembered from back in the '60's. ( for what I understand is a free text from an Australian Library website go to < bookcode='010157'>. ) As is my Nature, and as is my hobby, I began to copy to my computer some of the basics of what Dr Thomas is relating. My original intent was to just get a good, supported description of what a cataclysm is in the fewest possible words, but a few words just wouldn't do.This is an unauthorized condensation, parts of which have been re-arranged, edited, and in some places, reworded. There is much, much more to Chan Thomas' story. It is highly recommended that any interested person find and read his entire book. While Dr. Thomas' book is an integration of science and religion, I have unintentionally divided the book into two parts reflecting the two names given to his book. This just happened, as I was initially simply trying to cull out the explanation of what a cataclysm is so I could better relate it to others. If you are reading this, please be aware that this is just a tiny part of the whole story, and to really understand it you need to read the whole book. I have to admit, it does sound a bit far fetched, so far fetched that it might just be true.The Adam & Eve Story The History of Cataclysms by Chan ThomasPublished by Bengal Tiger Press Copyright 1993Dr. Chan Thomas attended Dartmouth College and Columbia University, graduating from the latter in Electrical Engineering and he has become recognized as the leading authority in cataclysmology. His definitive efforts in integrating the various earth sciences, his cross-correlation research in the fields of stratigraphy, vertebrate paleontology, radiology, oceanography, glaciology, seismology, palaeophilology, earth magnetism, anthropology, and other related fields has distinguished him as the only American with such a specialized scientific forte.IT BEGINSDid you ever sit down for an evening at a card table with a 1,000-piece puzzle? by yourself? It takes hours and hours to put it together - - with trial and error - and patience - - all playing their parts. We're still trying out some of the as yet unfitted pieces in our worldwide puzzle, - . Slowly, painstakingly, we are still putting the pieces of the puzzle together. The more pieces we find which fit into the picture, the more pieces are thrown on the table for us; and the more colorful and dramatic the picture becomes.If we look to our technical accomplishments - which have taken us over 6,900 years to achieve - think what we could do if we had 10,500 years. We would be in space as commonly as we walk around the block. Fossil fuels and nuclear energy would belong to the dead past; manmade gravity, which we know how to accomplish right now, and natural magnetism, which we also know how to use right now, would be the means for propulsion, power generation, and communications, as we would have learned the processes of nature sufficiently to duplicate them in controlled fashion for our uses.A little bit of knowledge, Can be a dangerous thing, Or it can be a vibrant seed,Giving rise to verdant forests, And awakening sleeping giants.CATACLYSMSThis planet of ours is not an inertial body - it's a complex motor-generator system, as are the solar system, the Milky Way Galaxy, its parent supergalaxy and the Universe in which we live.With a rumble so low as to be inaudible, growing, throbbing, then fuming into a thundering roar, the earthquake starts..only it's not like any earthquake in recorded history. In California the mountains shake like ferns in a breeze; the mighty Pacific rears back and piles up into a mountain of seawater more than two miles high.. then starts its race eastward.Now in the Earth's normal rotation, the oceans also rotate West to East one revolution per day. When a cataclysm occurs, the 60 mile thick shell of the Earth slips in a direction differing from that of its normal rotational direction; and the oceans also refuse to change their rotational direction. So, the atmosphere and oceans proceed to move over land masses which are passing underneath them in a new direction - - some of the oceans and air move at supersonic speeds with respect to the land moving in a different direction underneath. ( Have you ever had a fly in your car that smashed into the inside of your windshield when you quickly changed directions in your car? )With the force of a thousand armies the wind attacks, ripping, shredding everything in its supersonic bombardment. The unbelievable mountain of Pacific seawater follows the wind eastward, burying Los Angeles and San Francisco as if they were but grains of sand. Nothing - but nothing - stops the relentless, overwhelming onslaught of wind and ocean. Across the continent the thousand mile-per-hour wind wreaks its hell, its unholy vengeance, everywhere, mercilessly, unceasingly. Every living thing is ripped into shreds while being blown across the countryside; and earthquakes leave no place untouched. In many places the earth's molten sublayer breaks through and spreads a sea of white-hot liquid fire to add to the holocaust. Within three hours the fantastic wall of seawater moves across the continent, burying the wind-ravaged land under two miles of seething water coast-to-coast.In a fraction of a day all vestiges of civilization are gone, and the great cities - Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Dallas, New York, Boston - are nothing but legends. Barely a stone is left where millions walked just a few hours before. A few lucky ones who manage to find shelter from the screaming wind on the lee side of a high mountain peak - watch the sea of molten fire breaking through the quaking valleys below. The raging waters follow at supersonic speeds, piling higher and higher, steaming over the molten earth-fire, and rising almost to their feet. Only great, high mountains - can withstand the cataclysmic onslaught. North America is not alone in her death throes. Central America suffers the same cannonade - wind, earth-fire, and inundation. South America - Ecuador, Peru, and Western Brazil are shaken madly by the devastating earthquake - - burned by molten earth-fire, buried under cubic miles of catastrophically violent seas, then turned into a frozen hell. Everything freezes. Man, beast, plant, and mud are all rock-hard in less than four hours. - - Europe cannot escape the onslaught - - Western Africa and the sands of the Sahara vanish in natures's wrath, under savage attack by wind and ocean. - - survivors - marvel at the sun, standing still in the sky for nearly half a day. - - Antarctic and Greenland, with their ice caps, now rotate around the earth in the Torrid Zone; and the fury of wind and inundation marches on for six days. During the sixth day the oceans start to settle into their new homes, running off the high grounds. - - On the seventh day the horrendous rampage is over. The Arctic Ice Age is ended - and a new stone age begins. The oceans - the great homogenizers - have laid down another deep layer of mud over the existing strata in the great plains, as exposed in the Grand Canyon, Painted Desert, Monument Valley, and the Badlands.The Bay of Bengal basin, just east of India, is now at the North Pole. The Pacific Ocean, just west of Peru, is at the South Pole. Greenland and Antarctica, now rotating equatorially, find their ice caps dissolving madly in the tropical heat. - - The Torrid Zone will be shrouded in a fog for generations from the enormous amounts of moisture poured into the atmosphere by the melting ice caps. New ice caps begin to form in the new polar areas. Greenland and Antarctica emerge with verdant, tropical foliage. Australia is the new, unexplored continent in the North Temperate Zone, with only a few handfuls of survivors populating it vastness. New York lies at the bottom of the Atlantic, shattered, melted by earth-fire, and covered by unbelievable amounts of mud. - - What's left of Egypt emerges from its Mediterranean inundation new and higher - still the land of the ages. The commonplace of our time becomes the mysterious Baalbek of the new era. A new era? Yes, the cataclysm has done its work well. The greatest population regulator of all does once more for man what he refuses to do for himself and the planet on which he lives, and drives the pitiful few who survive into a new stone age. - - There are - - men of science - long forgotten - who first saw that these tumbles, these cataclysmic catastrophes, or 'revolutions' of the earth's shell have happened before, countless times. J. Andre Deluc in 1779 and Georges Cuvier in 1812 were the foremost. Dolomieu, the famous mineralogist, joined the consensus, as did Escher and Forel, the Swiss geologists; also J. Andre DeLuc Jr. and Von buch. They all agreed that the cataclysms were caused by sudden revolutions in the wrong direction by the surface of the earth.Cuvier, in his Theory of the Earth, first published in 1812, based his conclusions on his unparalleled correlative research in stratigraphy, comparative anatomy, and paleontology. As a matter of fact, Cuvier was the founder of the science of comparative anatomy, based on his pioneering, self-taught work in that field. At that time he wrote: 'Every part of the earth, every hemisphere, every continent, exhibits the same phenomenon...there has, therefore, been a succession of variations in the economy of organic nature.. the various catastrophes which have disturbed the strata..have given rise to numerous shiftings of this (continental) basin..It is of much importance to mark, that these repeated irruptions and retreats of the sea have neither been slow nor gradual; on the contrary, most of the catastrophes which occasioned them have been sudden; - - - - if anything in geology be established, it is, that the surface of our globe has undergone a great and sudden revolution, the date of which ..cannot be..much earlier than five or six thousand years ago..(also), one preceding revolution at least had put (the continents) under water ..perhaps two or three irruptions of the sea.'Many attempts have been made to answer the charge made to the geological profession by Cuvier to explain these sudden revolutions in the wrong direction.- -Every time the cataclysmic concept has risen, the 'beast' has been stoned, burned at the stake, beaten to a pulp, and buried with a vengeance; but the corpse won't stay dead. Each time, it raises the lid of its coffin and says in sepulchral tones: 'You will die before I.'- - in his book, the Lost Americans' Frank C. Hibben said; '..The challenge wouldn't leave me alone. Like a hunger, it gnawed at my subconscious. I could hear the deep tones of Cuvier's challenge, 'find the cause of these events,' still reverberating through the sacred halls of science, ghostly, unanswered. I felt Hibben's challenge, prodding; '..answer all of the facts.'I decided that this cataclysmic concept, this catastrophic end which visits our planet time after time, needed verification or refutation once and for all. The first step was to gather all of the known, accepted data from as many sciences pertaining to our planet as possible; stratigraphy, archaeology, radiology, anthropology, paleontology, and oceanography, plus cosmology and astronomy - and seismology - and palaeolanguages such as prehistoric Mayan. Even evolution could not be ignored. Further, cross-correlation of the data between the sciences had to be honored. All of the forgoing gave the answer; although there is enough data in most sciences to indicate that these cataclysms happen, there was not enough in each science to derive the process or prove the concept; but between-science cross-correlation showed indeed that the concept was true. Not only did it verify that the events have happened, but disclosed when the last five cataclysms were, and what positions the shell of the Earth has been in for the last 35,000 or more years. This was a first-time effort for certain.So, after years of research - -Cuvier's challenge had an answer; Yes, indeed, cataclysms do happen; but I had not yet found the answer to the challenge, 'find the cause of these events'. It would take me twenty more years to find the cause, the trigger of cataclysms. What makes them start: and further, exactly what is it that happens after it start?. What is the process of a cataclysm: finally, what is the timetable of cataclysms- -? .The process of a cataclysm is now known.[Looking] at a cross-section of the Earth -(book has drawing) - [crust or shell,-- shallow molten layer, -- mantle, --the inner molten layer/outer core, and the inner core], you'll see two molten layers - - . the important one is the thin molten layer starting 60 miles down, extending 60 miles deeper to 120 miles below the surface of the Earth. The thick, deep molten layer, starting 1,800 miles down at the bottom of the mantle, and extending 1,300 miles deeper, is the outer core. Seismology has proven these two - layers to be molten, and they are white-hot. Over 2500 degrees Fahrenheit. The outer, 60-mile thick layer is the one which supplies the volcanoes with the molten lava they spew forth.Inside the Earth, the electrical and magnetic structure of the interior makes these layers act as if they were near solid, or plastic. As long as the interior magnetic and electrical structure of the Earth maintains its orderliness, this old Earth keeps on rotating an its axis in a normal manner.- - Since [the ice caps] are not centered on the Earth's axis of rotation, they develop centrifugal forces coupling with each other, in a direction perpendicular to the Earth's axis. It's like swinging a bucket of water around yourself on a rope. The water stays in the bucket; if you did not have the restraining rope, the bucket and water would fly away. In the case of the ice caps, the restraining rope is gravity, which keeps these two ice caps landlocked. Since these ice caps therefore cannot fly away, they resolve their problem by trying to pull the entire shell of the Earth above the 60-mile thick molten layer around the interior of the Earth. As long as the electrical and magnetic structure is maintained inside the Earth, the ice caps cannot pull the shell around to let them to go to the equator, and we maintain our orderly, daily, monthly, yearly rotation.- - every few thousand years on a varying timetable, the magnetic and electrical orderliness in the shallow molten layer is disorganized. - - by what means is it disrupted?. It has to be a way which lowers those energies to the extent that the shallow molten layer is allowed to act as a free liquid, letting the molten layer act as a molten liquid which then serves as a lubricant for the ice caps to pull the shell around the earth's interior so as to have the ice caps shift about 90 degrees into the Torrid Zone. In one quarter to one half a day, the geographic poles move to the Torrid Zone, and all hell lets loose. The atmosphere and the Earth's oceans and lakes don't shift with the shell - they just keep on rotating west to east - and at the equator that speed is about 1.037 miles per hour. It has to be, normally, to make one revolution per day. So, while the shell shifts with the poles going to the equator, the winds and oceans continue eastward, blowing and flooding across the earth at supersonic speeds, inundating continents with water miles deep, destroying everything with which man ever dealt, including himself. That's a summary of the process.This was no ordinary extinction of a vague geological period which fizzled to an uncertain end. This death was catastrophic and all inclusive....What caused the death of forty million animals.. the 'corpus delicti' in this mystery may be found almost anywhere ..their bones lie bleaching in the sands of Florida and in the gravels of New Jersey. They weather out of the dry terraces of Texas and protrude from the sticky ooze of the tar pits off Wilshire boulevard in Los Angeles..The bodies of the victims are everywhere..We find literally thousands together.young and old, foal with dam, calf with cow..the muck pits of Alaska are filled with evidence of universal death..a picture of quick extinction'. - - - 'Any good solution to a consuming mystery must answer all of the facts', challenges HibbenEach cataclysm is like a giant hand sweeping across the countryside, leaving its fingerprints for us to find - - . The story of the frozen mammoths [in Siberia] is intriguing indeed, No frozen mammoth was ever found in ice; all were found in frozen, homogenous muck.- [the meat eatable still]-[These mammoths] had been well preserved, quick-frozen after drowning and suffocating, then maintained in that frozen status for almost seven thousand years. - - In 1901 when the Russian scientists dissected the Beresovka mammoth , they recorded that even the innermost lining of the stomach had a perfectly preserved fibrous structure, - - . What does it take to freeze an entire mammoth so that the moisture content of even the innermost parts of his body - - do not have time enough to form crystals large enough to destroy the meat's fibrous structure? [the American Frozen Foods Institute's answer;] It's utterly impossible. There is absolutely, positively, irrevocably no explanation in the known processes of nature to explain the quick-freezing of the Beresovka mammoth - concurrently with the muck in which he was suffocated and drowned. And where did the muck, which buried the mammoth alive, come from? This frozen mud can be found all over northern Siberia and Alaska - -. The muck comes from the inundation waters moving so swiftly and in such fantastic quantities that the water picks up all kinds of earth, mixes and homogenizes it with the water, then lays it down in a muck layer. (see The Lost Americans - Frank C. Hibben). - - the evidence shows that the supernatural violence included supersonic winds, volcanic eruptions, swift inundation creating the muck, a sudden temperature change to far below sub-zero freezing, and a precipitous total environmental climatic change.The derivation of the process gave us a greater understanding of prehistoric events. For instance, you can see that ice ages are not a matter of advancing and retreating ice; it's simply that different areas of the Earth are in polar regions at different times, for different durations of time; changes between positions take place in a fraction of a day and the accompanying supersonic deluges deposit the various huge strata we find in the walls of the 'Grand Canyon, Painted Desert, Monument Valley, and the Badlands, each layer homogenous, showing it to be deposited there suddenly by fantastic amounts of superswift water; and in the mountains around Mexican Hat, Canyon de Chelly, and the Moqui dugway. The story around the world gives silent testimony. The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with butter cups in his mouth; the age of the gorges below Niagara Falls and St. Anthony's Falls, both about 7,000 years; ----the sudden rise of the St. Lawrence River bed 7,000 years ago;----the ancient city of Tiahuanaco and Lake Titicaca in South America; the Easter Island monoliths; the age of fossil bones taken from the Wilshire Boulevard tar pits, over 11,000 years old; the existence of a coral reef on the floor of the Arctic Ocean; the fantastic evidence of burgeoning tropical plants in Arctic Siberia, Alaska and Antarctica, frozen and preserved for thousands of years in a fraction of a day during a cataclysm; ------the correlation of ice ages, stone ages, and quick extinctions of all species the world over; --------and more, and more, and more, give us a prehistoric picture of the positions of the Earth's shell during the past 35,000 or more years.- - (Many other examples are listed in Thomsas' book) - - The overwhelming evidence, when put in order, gives a dramatic picture of which areas have been at the North Pole, when they moved to the pole, when they moved away from the pole, and how long they were there. (The Arctic Ocean has been at the North Pole for about 7,000 years, before that the Sudan Basin was there for about 4,500 years, before that the Hudson Bay was there for about 7,000 years, preceding it was the Caspian Sea area for about 10,500 years - - these changes are the results of the last several cataclysms - - there were undoubtably cataclysms before these and there will undoubtably be others in the future..)Now, what about the trigger? This turned out to be the most elusive piece of the whole puzzle. We couldn't rely on some supernatural assumption - like sometime happenings in the heavens of a vague character which actually violated the laws of nature; no, it had to be something natural, a part of natures's ordinary structure, which disrupts the Earths's inner electrical and magnetic structure whenever a cataclysm happens.It also has to be a kind of happening which decreases the inner electrical and magnetic forces to the extent that they cannot support keeping the shallow molten layer acting as if it were plastic, or near solid.My thoughts go back to Georges Cuvier's challenge to the world of science which he wrote in 1812 ' the cause of these events.' Dr. Hibben's contemporary adjunct to that challenge is really an inseparable part of it; 'Any good solution to a consuming mystery must answer all of the facts.' As the years went by and we remained dissatisfied with our concepts concerning the trigger, we concentrated on that part of the puzzle. It has taken twenty years to find a satisfactory solution - one which answers all of the facts.The fascinating work of the Swedish physicist Hannes Alfven lighted the tortuous path to the answer. In the 1950's he discovered a kind of energy which nobody even thought existed, which he labeled 'magneto-hydro-dynamic' energy. Abbreviated, it's called mhd. Actually, it's a combination of magnetic, electrical, and physical forces. - - - Alfven tried a refined - - experiment in his laboratory, and this is how the phenomenon ( of mhd ) was discovered. It was first reasoned that tiny electrical charges, called 'eddy currents', were being generated - -, which in turn were generating tiny local opposing magnetic fields, - - -. Alfven realized that he had discovered the existence of a kind of energy, - - which was previously undetected by any scientist. His rigorous mathematical work in expanding James Clerk Maxwell's three ingenious equations for expressing electromagnetic radiation (radio broadcasts) showed that there were electrical, magnetic, and physical force fields acting as a combined [force] field. - - Alfven expanded his mathematical research to show that space is literally a sea of mhd energy, and that, as weak as the magnetic field of any blue-white star is, it is strong enough to support an internal mhd energy structure within the star. - - Alfven's work also applies to any planet with only one each North and South magnetic pole. - -Now we know that the molten layers inside the Earth act just like - - Alfven's experiment. As long as they are permeated with mhd energy, they act as if they were plastic, or near-solid. We also know that the shell of the Earth - which include the oceans, the crust, and a teeny part of the mantle - is not dynamically balanced as it stands today. Rough computations show that there is a huge torque - tending to rotate the shell about the Earth's interior; Greenland and Antarctica could move toward the equator in less than half a day were the shell free to make the shift. As long as the inner mhd energy structure remains strong enough to make the molten layers act as near-solids, the shell will not shift its position about the Earth's interior. To be sure, the shell is shifting ever so gradually; the subject is covered excellently in the paper Latitude and Longitude, and the secular Motion of the Pole, by Markowitz.However, at the time of a cataclysm the entire solar system passes through a magnetic null zone in the Milky Way Galaxy. These null zones are sometimes popularly called 'reversal zones', and so they are, for the magnetic fields on either side of galactic null zones are in opposite directions. Some physicists have found that we are heading into another null zone at an accelerating rate; it is a known fact of geophysics that the Earth's magnetic field strength, now over 35% less than 300 years ago, is deceasing faster and faster; we are indeed approaching a null zone. In any case, when going through a null zone, our planet's inner mhd energy structure is diminished to the extent that the outer, shallow molten layer, 60 miles thick, is allowed to act as a free liquid. No longer does it bind the shell of the Earth to its interior which starts 120 miles deep - - . The shell of the Earth is freed to find a new dynamic balance about the Earth's interior. It shifts in the direction the torque imbalance of the shell dictates it must go to find its new balance - and the 60-mile deep, white-hot (2,500+degree F.) molten layer beneath the outer solid shell lubricates the shift all the way.The trigger, then, is our planet's passage (along with the entire solar System) through a galactic-scale magnetic null zone, diminishing the Earth's inner mhd energy to so low a level that the shallow molten layer, starting at 60 miles deep and extending to 120 miles deep, is allowed to act as a free liquid lubricating layer between the earth's shell and solid interior.During each cataclysm the shell finds its new dynamic balance, which is resolved when the shell has shifted to a position with the ice caps rotating equatorially and melting in the heat of the Torrid Zone. As they melt relatively fast, and they usually total around eight million cubic miles of ice (as they do today), the oceans the world over - after the ice melts - rise about 200 feet with the new-found water.New polar ice caps form on the areas moved into the polar regions; they will not be centered with our axis of rotation, so a new, growing imbalance is created, to grow as the new ice caps grow, to be resolved when the earth, with the entire Solar system, passes through another galactic null zone, 10,500 years later. - - - As surely as there is life left in the Universe, there is in our Milky Way galaxy; and as surely as there is life in our galaxy, our Solar system will traverse another magnetic null zone - - indeed many more.----
...(End of compilation)
Please be advised, as I said earlier, this is only a small part of the story and you would have to read the whole of it all yourself to get the full picture, but hopefully you get the idea of it from this little bit.So what do you think? Is it possible that this is either all, or even partially, true? I only know that since I first heard this theory it seems as good an explanation of things as anything else I have heard.
Speaking of a good explanation of things, keep reading............................


A research article pertaining to the enigmatic, CIA redacted, text The Adam and Eve Story,detailing the many mysteries surrounding the book and its author, with an aim to introduce some kind of clarity and coherence to the historical narrative.

An online urban legend gaining a great deal of popularity at the time of writing professes, in the early 1960s a book titled The Adam and Eve Story was published and soon after seized by the Central Intelligence Agency with all evidence of its existence being scrubbed from history for the next fifty years. Of the supposed 284 pages in the original text a mere fifty-five were released in June 2013 under the Freedom of Information Act.[1] The pages made available offer a perplexing mix of topics focused around the central theme of global cataclysm. The extracts range includes biblical interpretation and retranslation, comparative mythology from Sumerian to South American legends, excerpts from Plato’s Timaeus dialogue and grim descriptions of the effects that earth crust displacement and pole-shifts can have on our planet. Supposedly penned by a Chan Thomas for Emerson House (publisher) the author has proved to be, at first glance, about as present in the historical record as the other eighty per cent of his book is in the CIA sanitised release. Who was Chan Thomas? Why was his book censored so heavily? What information could the missing portion of the text possibly feature? And what is Chan even short for anyway? It is the purpose of this article to answer, in detail, all of these questions whilst constructing a somewhat more grounded, authoritative source of information on a topic that is at risk of moving into the realms of pure and unrestricted conspiracy fiction.

A natural starting place would be to relate the contents of the original 1965 scan. In this copy, Thomas states ‘Every time the cataclysmic concept has come to life, the “beast” has been stoned, burned at the stake, beaten to a pulp and buried with a vengeance; but the corpse simply wont stay dead’,[2]a possible premonition to his work’s censorship. From pages fourteen to seventeen he bullet points much of the evidence that has since come to be associated with Catastrophism, presumably to be expanded on in the complete text. Examples such as Peruvian legend, global linguistic and etymological similarities, rapid extinction events and the sudden end of work at Tiahuanaco are all cited; many of which are still prevalent in the works of leading researchers such as Graham Hancock today. Largely relating to the title, Thomas goes on to discuss the process by which the Biblical book Genesis was corrupt and original meaning lost.[3] Simply put, it is hypothesised here that the original story was handed down father to son from Moses and Aaron to Azariah in the form of Naga glyph tablets. Nebuchadnezzar destroyed these records in the sack of Jerusalem 586 B.C. after which the story was passed to Ezra orally who dictated it to five scribes following his commission to re-establish Hebrew law by Artaxerxes in 458 B.C. Following this there is a brief chicane to discuss ancient planetary topography where Thomas makes the claim that, 11,500 years ago, Tiahuanaco ‘now at 12,500 feet above the Pacific, was then at sea level’[4]and alludes to ancient high technology asserting ‘Astronomers of Tiahuanaco used telescopes like ours today’.[5] He then dives right back into biblical interpretation with a wild yet compelling retranslation of Genesis I, II and III that simply cannot be summarised and must be read.

Chan thomas adam and eve story pdf

For all its curiosities however, the fifty-five-page document offers no proof or data to correlate the presumptions made. One could assume that validations would be present in the full 284-page text, however this brings us to a common myth that is in need of dispelling. The figure of 284 pages seems completely baseless; it is merely a number being bandied about, propagated in videos and forums with no original document present to confirm this attested pagination. Moreover, upon further research one can find that another edition of this text is present and potentially unmolested by any government agency – The Adam and Eve Story: The History of Cataclysms. Bengal Tiger Press published the book under an extended name and by the same author in 1993. At 127 pages long it contains all of the information present in the 1965 edition as well as an additional text eighty-five pages in length called Aftermath of the Adam and Eve Story, which will also be discussed. This version is largely enlightening as to why the CIA may have been so interested in censoring its contents back in the 1960s. One point the Agencymay have found contention with was a passage concerning the funeral of late president John F. Kennedy. ‘I remember watching John Kennedy’s funeral on television;’[6]Thomas writes ‘and most vividly the incantation given by the Archbishop to keep John Kennedy from the doors of hell.’[7] Nothing particularly malicious and certainly no claim of an “inside job” as it were, however the fundamentals of his assassination are a highly debated topic still to this day and the event would have been fresh in the memory of American citizens – a scab that was simply not to be picked right then perhaps?

Furthermore, the far lengthier 1993 edition also provides raw data to bolster claims made, references other key works the author sees as valuable, interesting or relevant to his own, and a host of fresh claims simply not hinted to in the CIA redaction. Whilst the 1965 text is enigmatic for its governmental classification alone, it doesn’t exactly add anything new to the field of catastrophic research. Cataclysmic pole shifts had been proposed as early as 1872 in Charles Etienne Brasseur de Bourbourg’s Chronologie Historique des Mexicainsand earth crust displacement has been elaborated upon extensively in Charles Hapgood’s 1958 Earth’s Shifting Crust. Whilst his ideas regarding Genesis are interesting, without the rest of the text they could come across to some readers as simply bizarre. The 1993 text is a far more compelling read and like its predecessor its contents will be elaborated upon further. Whether the entire body of the 1993 text was present in its initial 1965 forerunner is up for debate, it is simply unknown and, at present, impossible to tell if additions or revisions have been made. Both editions are marked as “First Edition” confusing this matter further. What can be assured however is that Aftermath(the eighty-five page addendum) was written, at some point after 1989. This can be ascertained from references to the last months of the Reagan Administration being spoken of in the past tense.[8] But what exactly does this edition contain?

  • The ADAM and EVE Story author Chan Thomas, an electrical engineer who studied at Dartmouth and Columbia University, and the authority on cataclysmic geology.
  • Chan Thomas - The Adam And Eve Story(uncensored).pdf Report; Share. Twitter Facebook.
  • The CIA banned the book in 1996. Chan Thomas was the fake name of the writer. When the book was re-released in 2013, it was missing 57 pages. It says so right at the bottom of the CIA'S own webpage. Bright Insight released an excellent introductory video on this very subject. It's 25 minutes long and very well presented.

Initially one should note that the pages are numbered differently and as such the majority of new information can be found from page sixty-five onward. Thomas elaborates on his suggestion (drawing from the writings of Hans Bellamy and Peter Allan in The Calendar of Tiahuanacoand The Great Idol of Tiahuanaco) that ancient residents of Tiahuanaco used a now lost natural satellite to mark the passage of time.[9] He then goes on to give his own reassessment of the Titus-Bode Law to explain where this orbiting body originated from and where other undiscovered heavenly bodies may be situated – detailed in a table on page ninety-one. He gives his own fascinating reinterpretation of the Greek alphabet using Polynesian to tell a story of an apocalyptic event,[10]and explains the motions of the earth in terms of Magnetohydrodynamic energy outlining the research of Swedish physicist Hannes Alfven.[11] Most curious of all is his helicoid-based prediction model for future cataclysms.[12] This may be another reason for the books initial censorship. With cold war tensions already running considerably high, and the Cuban Missile Crisis occurring just a few years prior in 1962,[13]people needed very little agitation to bring them to a panic over an end-of-the-world scenario. This book would have been largely unhelpful in the sort of socio-political climate the American population was exposed to at this time. Moreover, one can note that whilst the 1965 publication is dedicated to ‘WAYO’, the full 1993 text is dedicated to ‘Wife’ with an additional two dedications; one to General Hal Grant, General LeMay and Admiral Taylor, and the second to those ‘who ridiculed, scorned and laughed’.[14]This mention of military personal may have offered yet more leverage for the book’s classification.

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Aftermath on the other hand, is somehow more nihilistic in tone. A strange thought considering both texts revolve around the theme of apocalypse. Swapping the Old Testament interpretations out for New Testament commentary on the life of Jesus. Thomas here gives graphic descriptions of the crucifixion of Christ as well as retranslates his cry on the cross to give it new meaning and significance. He also proffers information on Christ’s whereabouts during his absence between the age of twelve and the start of his ministry. This is all of course wild speculation. Teeming with dissatisfaction regarding governmental behaviour,[15]one gets the sense from this section that Thomas was left somewhat embittered by his work’s prior treatment; the addition also seems more liable to governmental censorship than any of the statements made in his initial work, however it did not suffer the same fate. He also claims to possess some kind of Extra Sensory Perception as well as understand how nature creates gravity, which he discusses more in another publication of his, Body 2: The Incredible World of ESP. Aftermath is certainly the more obscure of the two texts, which is no small accolade considering the scope of information discussed in the first. In all, for readers interested in the subjects of global cataclysms, lost civilisations and technology, conspiracy, fringe theories and comparative mythology this is simply a must read text. Too long has this work gone without reference by contemporary thinkers and will no doubt receive a great deal of attention now that it is back in the public’s awareness.

Having detailed the scope of his publication, it is now of paramount importance to understand more about Chan Thomas himself. In Body 2 Thomas anecdotally informs the reader that he was in attendance at an all boys school in Cheshire Connecticut (then known as Roxbury) in 1936.[16] The “author” sections of the two Adam and Evepublications offer very little information to build a clear picture from. We rejoin Thomas’ life during his attendance at Dartmouth College and Columbia University, receiving a degree in Electrical Engineering in 1943.[17]We are told that throughout the early 1960s he accurately predicts seismic activity all over the world,[18]and that he devoted twenty years of his life to The Adam and Eve Story, spending seven of those years on his retranslation of Genesis alone.[19] That is the majority of the information given; wider research is needed for a deeper understanding of this elusive figure. Looking at the 1941/1942 Student Directory for Columbia University we can confirm that there was indeed a C. P. Thomas enrolled at the time our enigmatic author would have been.[20]With further archival combing a newspaper clipping from 1943 can be found that not only confirms his graduation in Electrical Engineering, but also lists his full name as Chauncey P. Thomas as well as the name of his father and brother – both James A. Thomas.[21] When searching for this family on Ancestry even more can be detailed. Born in 1920 to the aforementioned James A. Thomas and his wife Caroline Giles Van Buren, Chan Powers Thomas married his wife Eleanor Ruth Bohn[22]in December 1948 – they had four children.[23]

During his career, Thomas himself informs us in Aftermath that he wrote a book on and taught natural childbirth for 43 years.[24]He was ‘awarded the Doctor of Divinity degree and [was] subsequently ordained as a non-sectarian minister’.[25] He also claims to have taught 560 students a class on extra sensory perception at UCLA and has written a book on the subject of ESP (Body 2) which was published in 1972, again by Emerson house.[26]In fact this publication is somehow even less present than Adam and Evewith copies held at only three libraries in the world, one being the Library of Congress. Turning attention back to archival information, a 1974 article for Star News informs the researcher that Chan was one of only three Cataclysmologists in the world and that in addition to giving a lecture in that year, he had previously appeared on the Tonight Show, the Arthur Godfrey Show and the Virginia Graham Show.[27]Archival footage of these appearances has not yet surfaced however the Internet Movie Database confirms that in 1965 (episode 640) a Cahn Thomas was indeed one of the listed guests. According to this same article his television appearances prompted thousands of viewers to write in to the network, the subject of these letters is unknown however one could speculate that his controversial ideas regarding cataclysms may have provoked such a response – perhaps then another reason for his retreat from the public eye? Around this time (1961) Thomas became president of a company called Chan Incorporated, in his words this was a company ‘dedicated to the discovery and analysis of nature’s processes, and their duplication in controlled form for mankind’s utilization.’[28]

Finally, he mentions briefly in Body 2 whilst narrating an anecdote set in 1965 that he had been in the airline business for some years, primarily working in an engineering and flight-testing capacity.[29]In the October 2008 issue of MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) Journal, there is an entry by a Dr. Robert M. Wood that confirms and, to a degree, details Chan’s role in the “airline business”. Alleging himself to be an ex-colleague of Thomas’, Wood states that they were both part of the Advanced Concepts division at McDonnell Douglas, an aerospace company now owned by Boeing. Wood states that he had become ‘involved in work outside the paradigms of normal science’[30]and that it was this ‘perspective that caused [him] to be more accepting of the ridiculous claims of others, including one exceptionally innovative Chan Thomas.’[31]He goes on to say that he hired Chan ‘because he was a psychic who claimed to be in contact with some ETs sometimes, and who also had espoused the claims of “cataclysmic geology.”’[32] It would then appear that Chan’s bohemian views were very much linked with his role in the aerospace industry, at least for a time. During his tenure at McDonnell Douglas, he worked on a project to develop a gravity control device, a project that received some government funding[33]as well as relating to his claims in Aftermath regarding gravity. Wood reminisces over outlandish claims made by Chan and whilst some of their colleagues were not accepting of his views, he nevertheless praises his ‘tremendously innovative mind’.[34] This was yet another line of work for Chan that received a level of interest from one of the intelligence agencies. The agency goes unnamed but it was a seemingly more harmonious relationship this time.

It is certain that more information will surface about Thomas and his career as his story is perpetuated online. With four children and twelve grandchildren there is even the potential for anecdotal evidence to appear in the future, giving historians a more intimate rendering of this puzzling yet fascinating figure. Whether or not there was some kind of conspiracy out there to cover up his works and scrub his name from history is up for debate, it would seem that measures were taken to assess the potentially unnerving content of Adam and Eve – that much is certain. However, with the 1993 republication of this article’s focus text it seems that any initial concerns abated as the years passed. Chan Powers Thomas is an engaging and compelling figure with some even more captivating ideas and a particularly beguiling story. A reading of his available works cannot be recommended enough; they’re conversational, digestible and informative and without doubt will soon become staple reading for those interested in ancient civilisations and global cataclysms. Whilst some of the content has been outlined here, no text could ever be expansive enough to adequately summarise his words so as not to justify a full reading. With the limited information available a brief narrative has been given so as to provide a background reading to both Thomas’ personal and professional life.

[1]N/A. (2013). THE ADAM AND EVE STORY. Available: Last accessed 8th April 2019.

[2]Thomas, C (1965). The Adam and Eve Story. Los Angeles : Emerson House. p10

[3]Thomas, C. The Adam and Eve Story. pp22-28

[4]Thomas, C. The Adam and Eve Story. p32


[6]Thomas, C (1993). The Adam and Eve Story: The History of Cataclysms . South Chatham MA: Bengal Tiger Press. p36



[8]Thomas, C (1993). Aftermath of the Adam and Eve Story. South Chatham MA: Bengal Tiger Press. p56

[9]Thomas, C. The Adam and Eve Story: The History of Cataclysms.p86

[10]Thomas, C. The Adam and Eve Story: The History of Cataclysms.pp104 -105

[11]Thomas, C. The Adam and Eve Story: The History of Cataclysms.pp108 -112

[12]Thomas, C. The Adam and Eve Story: The History of Cataclysms.p115

[13]Editor. (2010). Cuban Missile Crisis. Available: Last accessed 11th April 2019.

[14]Thomas, C. The Adam and Eve Story: The History of Cataclysms.

[15]Thomas, C. Aftermath.p56

[16]Thomas, C (1972). Body 2: The Incredible World of ESP. Los Angeles : Emerson House. p62

[17]Thomas, C. The Adam and Eve Story. p55


[19]Thomas, C. The Adam and Eve Story: The History of Cataclysms.p127

[20]Columbia University (1943). Columbia University in the City of New York Directory of Students. New York: Morningside Heights. p181. Accessed at:

[21]N/A. (1943). Bachelor of Science. Scarsdale Inquirer. vol XXV (46), p11

Brawlhalla free characters. Accessed at:

[22]Ancestry . (2012). Chan Powers Thomas in the U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current. Available: Last accessed 8th April 2019.

[23]Unknown . (2010). Obituaries: Thomas, Eleanor Ruth Bohn. Available: Last accessed 8th April 2019.

[24]Thomas, C. Aftermath. p13

[25]Thomas, C. Aftermath. p81

[26]Thomas, C (1972). Body 2: The Incredible World of ESP. Los Angeles: Emerson House.

[27]Unknown . (1974). Religion Notes. Available: Last accessed 11th April 2019.

[28]Thomas, C. Body 2.p195

[29]Thomas, C. Body 2.p83

[30]Dr. Wood, R. (2008). McDonnell Douglas studied UFOs in 1960s: Project called BITBR for “‘Boys in the Back Room”. Mutual UFO Network Journal (MUFON). 486 (1), p3.

[31]Dr. Wood, R. McDonnell Douglas studied UFOs in 1960spp3-4

[32]IDr. Wood, R. McDonnell Douglas studied UFOs in 1960sp4

Chan Thomas Adam And Eve Story


Chan Thomas Adam And Eve Pdf

[34]Dr. Wood, R. McDonnell Douglas studied UFOs in 1960sp5